⑨/⑨/㉑ baby!
huh? i've been gone for most of a year? cmon, i've got like 30 followers, don't tell me you're actually reading this
and i also didn't even post a cirno in the cirno day art? you can't let yourself be trapped by common sense, don'tcha know.
but fine, fine, i spare a pittance for thee.
i post more things? hmm yes
i post a game? game developer post game? well aren't you getting greedy
well, there is the one i talked about in the art upload (it's from april)
oh you know what i bet i could actually upload this in newgrounds if it was in mv instead of vx ace
but it's not and ruby (which i use a substantial amount of) != javascript so it would not be a clean transition
anyway, i'm outta here
- aeon
hey uhhhh when is yukari coming out for real. dev updates? its been 3 months. worst develoepr ever.....